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Delicious Cheese and Jalapeno Cookies

Delicious Cheese and Jalapeno Cookies


Delicious Cheese and Jalapeno Cookies

Get ready to experience a masterpiece of taste with our unique recipe, Cheese and Jalapeno. Combining the flavor of grated cheese with chopped jalapenos creates an unforgettable flavor. This delicious recipe is rich and delicious; This makes it the perfect choice for a party or a relaxing time with family and friends. Follow our simple steps to prepare this delicious dish and serve it with different ingredients to suit everyone’s taste. 97 -3 fresh jalapeno, chopped

★ Instructions

Mix flour and salt in a large bowl.

Beat the cold butter until the mixture becomes crumbly.

Beat the eggs and add the grated cheese and chopped jalapenos. Mix until well combined.


Shape the dough into a ball and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Preheat the oven to 175°C.

Roll out the cooled dough 1/4 of the way onto the dough.

Cut into desired shapes using cutter or knife.

Place the slices on a baking sheet.


Bake for 12-15 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

Leave to cool on the baking tray for a few minutes before transferring to a rack to cool completely.

Make and enjoy delicious Cheese Jalapeño Cookies for dessert or snack.

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