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This is definitely the best way to cook potatoes!


This is definitely the best way to cook potatoes!

A simple yet timeless dish, the baked potato has been a staple of the world’s dining table for centuries. Its roots go back to the indigenous people of the Andes, who first grew potatoes and cooked them in primitive ovens. When the Spanish introduced potatoes to Europe in the 16th century, cooking them became a popular method. A properly cooked potato has both an outside and an inside, making it an excellent base for a variety of dishes. This versatile dish makes
shine as a main course or comfort food.

Potatoes in their skins offer endless topping possibilities. Classic options include butter, heavy cream, crumbled cheese, and chives, while more elaborate options may include red peppers, roasted broccoli, and bacon. It’s a classic accompaniment to grilled or roasted meats, perfect for steakhouse menus or home-cooked meals. Pairing it with a green salad or roasted vegetables makes for a light, filling meal; Baked potatoes are an even more favorite and
staple. . crumbled cheese, chives, bacon, red pepper, broccoli


Preheat the oven to 220°C. Place the oven in the middle to bake.

Pierce the potatoes several times with a fork. This allows the oil to escape during cooking.

Brush each potato with olive oil, leaving the skin on.


Sprinkling some sea salt on the potatoes helps the flavor and texture of the crust.

Place the potatoes directly in the center of the oven. A baking tray or foil can be placed underneath to catch drips.

As with meat, cook for 45 to 60 minutes until the skin is browned and the inside is tender.

Remove the potatoes from the oven and let them rest for 5 minutes to soften.

Cut a seam at the top of each potato, gently press the ends open and turn them over to bring them together.


Serve oven-hot potatoes with your choice of toppings and enjoy the perfect combination of texture and taste that makes this dish a favorite.

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