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Moderate Cooker Christmas Loin Recipe


Moderate Cooker Christmas Loin Recipe

Hands down, the finest Christmas loin formula I know! As it were 4 ingredients!!



4-5 pound pork loin

1 envelope dry onion soup blend (1 ounce)


1 can cranberry sauce

1 glass French dressing



Place the pork loin in your slow cooker.


Combine dry onion soup blend, Vinaigrette , and cranberry sauce in a bowl.


Pour this flavorful blend over the pork loin.

Cook on moo for 6 hours or on tall for 4 hours, to realize delicate perfection.



Serve this delightful dish with additional cranberry sauce, decorated with dried cranberries and parsley for an included merry touch.


Enjoy this delicate, flavorful, and unimaginably simple Moderate Cooker Christmas Loin as the star of your occasion devour. It’s not fair a feast; it’s a celebration of harmony and euphoric occasion recollections

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