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Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake


Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake



For the Cake:

  • 1 box chocolate cake mix: Choose your favorite brand, and have the ingredients on hand that the box mix requires (usually eggs, oil, and water).
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk: This will make the cake moist and sweet.
  • 1 jar (12.25 ounces) caramel sauce: Adds that classic turtle flavor.
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans: For a crunchy texture and nutty flavor.
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips: To add chocolatey goodness throughout the cake.

For the Topping:

  • 1 tub (8 ounces) Cool Whip or whipped topping: For a light and creamy topping.
  • 1/2 cup caramel sauce: For drizzling on top.
  • 1/2 cup chocolate sauce: For additional drizzling.
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans: To sprinkle on top.
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips: For sprinkling on top.


  1. Prepare the Cake:
    • Preheat the oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) or as directed on the chocolate cake mix box.
    • Prepare the baking pan: Grease and flour a 9×13-inch baking pan to prevent the cake from sticking.
    • Mix the cake batter: Follow the instructions on the cake mix box to prepare the batter. This usually involves mixing the cake mix with eggs, oil, and water. Use a hand mixer or whisk to ensure the batter is smooth and well combined.
    • Bake the cake: Pour the cake batter into the prepared baking pan. Smooth the top with a spatula to ensure an even layer. Bake according to the package instructions, typically 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  2. Make the Poke Holes:
    • Cool the cake slightly: Once the cake is baked, remove it from the oven and let it cool in the pan for about 10 minutes.
    • Poke holes in the cake: Using the handle of a wooden spoon, a chopstick, or another similarly sized object, poke holes all over the surface of the cake. Space the holes about an inch apart, making sure they go all the way to the bottom of the cake. This will allow the filling to penetrate the cake, making it extra moist and flavorful.
  3. Add the Fillings:
    • Combine the sweetened condensed milk and caramel sauce: In a medium bowl, mix the sweetened condensed milk with 1 cup of the caramel sauce until well blended.
    • Pour the mixture over the cake: Slowly and evenly pour the caramel mixture over the entire surface of the cake, ensuring it seeps into the holes. Use a spatula to spread it if necessary.
    • Add the pecans and chocolate chips: Sprinkle the chopped pecans and mini chocolate chips evenly over the top of the cake, allowing them to settle into the holes along with the caramel mixture.
  4. Cool and Chill the Cake:
    • Cool the cake completely: Let the cake cool completely at room temperature. This can take about an hour.
    • Refrigerate the cake: Once the cake has cooled, cover it with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it in the refrigerator. Chill the cake for at least 2 hours, or overnight for the best results. Chilling allows the flavors to meld together and the cake to set properly.
  5. Prepare the Topping:
    • Spread the Cool Whip: Once the cake is thoroughly chilled, remove it from the refrigerator. Spread the Cool Whip or whipped topping evenly over the top of the cake using a spatula.
    • Drizzle the sauces: Drizzle the remaining caramel sauce and the chocolate sauce over the top of the Cool Whip in a decorative pattern. You can use a spoon or a squeeze bottle for more control.
    • Sprinkle the toppings: Sprinkle the chopped pecans and mini chocolate chips over the top of the cake. This adds texture and extra flavor to the finished dessert.
  6. Serve:
    • Cut and serve: Cut the cake into squares using a sharp knife. Serve each piece chilled, as the cake tastes best when it is cold. The combination of moist cake, creamy topping, and crunchy nuts makes for a delightful dessert.
    • Store leftovers: Store any leftover cake covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. The flavors will continue to meld, making it even more delicious over time.

Tips for the Best Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake:

  • Make-Ahead Option: This cake can be made a day in advance, making it a convenient option for parties or gatherings. Simply prepare, chill, and add the toppings before serving.
  • Customization: Feel free to customize your cake by adding other toppings such as crushed pretzels for a salty crunch or a sprinkle of sea salt for a flavor contrast.
  • Serving Suggestions: This cake pairs wonderfully with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream for an extra indulgent treat.

Enjoy your indulgent and delicious Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake! This treat is sure to impress with its rich flavors, creamy topping, and delightful textures.

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