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the pork and onions in fried pineapple pieces



the pork and onions in fried pineapple pieces


*This dish is so delicious I can’t help it. Send help!
½ cup of honey

¼ cup of soybeans

2 teaspoons of salt

3 cloves of garlic


Fry the lard in a pan with olive oil.

Turn the pan into the slow cooker and surround it with the fried onions.

To prepare the marinade, mix apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, honey, brown sugar, garlic, salt and red pepper (if using).

Pour this marinade over the pork and onions in the slow cooker.

Add fried pineapple pieces.


Cook on low heat for 6-8 hours or on high heat for 4-5 hours until the pork is thoroughly cooked.

Optional: Add cornstarch to sauce if desired.

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