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Chocolate Ganache Log


Chocolate Ganache Log



  • For the Ganache:
    • 400g dark chocolate, finely chopped
    • 400ml heavy cream
    • 50g unsalted butter
  • For the Coating:
    • 200g dark chocolate, finely chopped
    • 100ml heavy cream
    • 25g unsalted butter


  1. Prepare the Ganache:
    • In a saucepan, heat the heavy cream over medium heat until it just begins to simmer. Do not boil.
    • Pour the hot cream over the finely chopped dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Let it sit for a minute to melt the chocolate.
    • Add the unsalted butter and stir until the mixture is smooth and glossy.
    • Pour the ganache into a loaf pan lined with plastic wrap, smoothing the top with a spatula.
    • Cover the ganache with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or until set.
  2. Prepare the Coating:
    • Heat the heavy cream in a saucepan until it just begins to simmer.
    • Pour the hot cream over the chopped dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Let it sit for a minute.
    • Add the unsalted butter and stir until smooth and glossy.
  3. Assemble the Log:
    • Remove the set ganache from the loaf pan and place it on a wire rack over a baking sheet.
    • Pour the prepared chocolate coating over the ganache log, ensuring it is fully covered.
    • Allow the coating to set at room temperature or refrigerate briefly.
  4. Serve:
    • Once the coating is set, transfer the log to a serving platter.
    • Slice with a sharp knife and serve.

Enjoy your delicious homemade chocolate ganache log!

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